About Me

I create smart copy for brands in competitive spaces

My Story

I use data intelligence, SEO and copywriting techniques to create smart content for my clients, so that they can build and sustain a dominant online presence.

I’m a highly experienced evidence-based writer, deeply grounded in strategy, research and data. 

Over the years I’ve done some cool stuff, and have worked with some exceptional brands, people and causes. 


Career Highlights

From making the Forbes list on best books to read, to winning a Readers Choice Award for Educational Blogging and teaching content marketing to c-suite executives – my career is multi-faceted and ever-evolving.

Years writing
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Quantic School of Business and Technology
Executive MBA (Honors)
University of Cape Town
BA, English, Film and Media Studies (Triple major)


Content leadership
Web content strategy and creation
Blog strategy and creation
E-books and guides
E-course creation
Marketing materials

Key Skills

Remote project and team management
Content strategy
Online copywriting
Content creation (images & video)
Content optimization
Data analysis, interpretation and modeling

Software Competency

Microsoft Office
Adobe Creative Suite
SEMRush, SpyFu, Ahrefs, Keywords Everywhere
Screaming Frog, URLprofiler, Majestic, Raven Tools
Google Docs, Google Analytics, Google Search Console
Hubspot, Optimizely, Buzzsumo, Figma

The Story of Hedgehog Content

Copyhog.com is all about one thing – smart web copy.

I focus with piercing clarity on the content that supports your business website. 

And I call that content, Hedgehog Content. It builds brand authority, encourages audience connection and inspires action.

I ghostwrite business books, so I always have my nose in one. One of my favourite lessons comes from Jim Collins classic ‘Good to Great’ – and it’s called The Hedgehog Concept. 

It’s based on Isaiah Berlin’s insight into an old Greek parable.

“The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

In his book, Jim explains that business is driven by two kinds of leaders – foxes and hedgehogs.

A fox is notoriously cunning. It has hundreds of different attacks to try and kill a hedgehog. But, because the hedgehog can roll into a spiney ball to defend itself, it survives.

No matter what the fox does, it survives. The lesson translates in business – Foxes leap from idea to idea, they do a lot of different things and are always changing direction.

Hedgehogs though, pick a thing and work to become the very best at that one, main thing. Because of this, says Jim Collins, Hedgehog businesses have a clear market advantage.

“The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

To shift from good to great, according to The Hedgehog Concept, you must arrive at the intersect of three distinct areas

Content marketing has two elements – content creation, and the marketing of that created content. Both involve strategy to correctly develop.

Great marketers these days are the foxes. They research, and test, and switch tactics – and launch new campaigns all the time. That’s what you want!

But the same can’t be said for brand content. After working in the field for more than a decade, I’ve realised evergreen smart content works best.

It unifies a single brand message across all media. It clarifies your most advantageous keywords, based on your ‘big thing’.

Hedgehog content is a decisive, long term asset. It aims to convert your customer over time.


In other words, hedgehog content is high quality content that gives your brand a clear market advantage online! 

My hedgehog content combines SEO, market intelligence and copywriting to blow the clothes off your competition.

I approach client projects with a specific goal, to find what you’re best at – and make you famous for it.

Sure, your digital marketing company hires capable foxes that will create good SEO copy for your website. Full service marketing agencies do a lot of good work.

But good isn’t great.

Good content ages fast. It has no accumulative value. It’s hard to repurpose, and harder to rank. 

Good content is not good enough.

At Copyhog.com I’m all about helping you hog the online market for your brand, while unleashing your greatness into the world.

The internet is split into two kinds of content creator – foxes and hedgehogs.

I help you communicate the one big thing that you do better than everyone else.

Be the best in your
online market.

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